Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Me and the Midget - Galaxy Grifters ep2

Page 1

Page 2

Check out more galaxy grifting here.

Thanks for checking in guys.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Me and the Midget - Sleep Over Party

That one's another true story from my memory archives. I haven't worked worked at that pizza place in years but I'm sure they've cleared up the rodent problem. coming up next Terry the Slug and the Midget are back with episode 2 of Galaxy Grifters. so Please Please Please check it out.

Thanks for checking in guys.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Post Cards from Me and the Midget - I need more suggestions.

My Posts have slows down a little lately and as a result so have requests for post cards. But under my last “Post Card” one of my favorite bloggers left the comment,

Bart said...
ive had many things tossed at me. A dwarf, not yet. but i'll accept the challenge
September 27, 2011 12:42 PM

The one thing I know about Mr. Bart is that the man loves hockey. So I figured the best way to toss my midget at him would be to do it like men…. On the ice. You can check out his blog here

So now I’m officially out of requests. And that’s where you guys come in. Leave a suggestion in my comment section. What do you want to see Me and the Midget doing? It could be anything Sports, Sci Fi, parodies, whatever. Leave a request in my comment section and We'll send you your own postcard.

Thanks for checking in guys.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Me and the midget- pg 9 (reimagined)

I’m going back to the original story and I’ll be periodically redoing those pages. This is one of those pages. So don't worry if you can't make sense out of it. I'll be posting it next to its original counterpart here

I realize my posts have been a little lack luster as of late but I think I have a couple fun things lined up fot the next couple months so stay tuned... and PLEASE tell your friends.

Thanks for checking in guys. a3

Friday, October 21, 2011

Me and the Midget - SpokesMe

I promise this is the last time Me and The Midget will try to sell you something.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Postscards from Me and the Miidget- No one tosses a dwarf!!

To all my new readers ‘Postcards from Me and the Midget’ is our chance to get interactive. I change my banner ever couple of weeks. I take suggestions from you guys! So leave a suggestion in my comment section and wait for the magic to happen.

john178 said...

throw the midget like in Lord of the Rings when Legolas throws Gimli across the whatever it is. Go dwarf tossing!
April 6, 2011 12:46 PM

Thanks for checking in guys see you next week.


Monday, September 19, 2011

Me and the Midget-Hard Sell

Me and the Midget heartily endorse this service and or product.

Check out to Unlea$h the Power of your Digital Voice!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Me and the Midget - Summer lessons

I had a tooth pulled on Wednesday and I was thinking about doing something with that but I’m having a hard time finding the humor in it right now. So I thought I go with something a little more bizarre. Trust me theirs nothing more bizarre then being sized up by a humming bird. Thanks for checking in guys.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Post Cards from Me and The Midget - Fall is fast approaching

The night air is getting colder which means more quality time with my Midget, which means more Me and the Midget updates.

So Lets start off the new season with another postcard. To anyone unfamiliar with the format let me get you up to date. Every couple weeks I change the banner at the top of the page. And I take requests from YOU the reader. Traditionally we've used a dwarf tossing theme. We've had the little dude tossed towards a bed full of cash, through a dimensional portal, and kicked over a field goal. But their all suggested by you guys. Like the picture in this post. It was suggested by elexerdelex in my comment section.

elexerdelex said...

wow! Kick him out of the country xD
I wonder how you would illustrate that!
April 6, 2011 9:15 AM

So their ya go guys. Leave a suggestion and I promise I'll get to it when I can. also if you guys want to check out elexerdelex's Blog you can check out the link here.

A lot of times out here in the Blog-O-Sphere you'll find blogs that are directionless or have no theme. this blog is not one of them. Check out that link and you'll find out what I mean. Thanks again for checking in guys.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Me and the Midget - fanboys gone wild!

I always appreciate your feed back, but ya know.... Lets keep it within reason.

Thanks for checking in guys.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Me and the midget- pg 8 (reimagined)

I’m going back to the original story and I’ll be periodically redoing those pages. This is one of those pages. So don't worry if you can't make sense out of it. I'll be posting it next to its original counterpart here

Summer is here which means less time huddled in the basement. Which is great for my weight and complexion. But not so great for my blog. But rest assured I'll always return to Me and the midget. And rest even more assured that summer in the east coast of Canada is an amazingly short period of time So I'll be posting regularly before you even notice Ive gone.

Thanks for checking in guys.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Post cards from Me and The Midget- Galaxy grifters!

Thanks to millas and Alpha for suggesting tossing the Midget through portal via Aperture Portal Gun. You not only inspired this Postcard but you also inspired Galaxy Grifters 'the solo adventures of Terry the slug and the Midget'. If you have any ideas or suggestions for my header leave em in the comment section and you never know when I'll get around to em... But you can bet I will.

Thanks for checking in guys.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Me and the Midget - Galaxy Grifters ep1

Ive always been a fan of Star Trek TNG. So I figured I'd take a stab at telling a space adventure.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Me and the Midget- My masterpiece.

Sooooo, That's what happened to me this weekend. a3

Monday, April 25, 2011

She and the Midget - Fan Art by duffboi

Ive posted "fan art" in the past. But those were all done by close friends of mine. This is the first time someone Ive never met has taken the effort to sketch my midget and I love it. Thanks duffboi.
You guys should check out his blog. It's like reading the thoughts of an everyday joe who's just trying to make his way through the world. Very Interesting stuff. He's also been posting original art work lately. check it out.
Me and the Midget will be back next time with a full comic. Thanks for checking in guys. And thanks again duffboi.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Post Cards From Me and The Midget. April 20th 2011, extravaganza.

I don’t know much about how time zones work, but I know this… It’s 4:20 somewhere.

Comic readers of a certain vintage remember a time when comic companies weren’t so desperate for ad space that they dedicated an entire page of every comic with a letters column. That’s what ‘Postcards from Me and The Midget’ is. It’s a way for us to get interactive. Like the image displayed over this post. It’s a request from a fellow blogger by the name of beta Critic. You can check out his stuff with this link,
I’m not going to get into too much detail of the back story on this one. But if your wondering go back two ‘Postcards’ to get the full story. Let’s just say its been a long time coming.
Thanks for checking out Me and the Midget and check back all day for more updates to this post. Because today Me and The Midget are celebrating the 4,20,2011 extravaganza.
Come back in a couple hours for the announcement of the winner of the ‘Under My Skin’ Hay fight awards as decided by YOU the reader.


I love reading the comments you guys leave. like these two left under the post titled. 'Under My Skin'.

NeedlessToSay said...

The tick is the winner.
April 12, 2011 6:12 PM

Trolske said...

I'm for the tick winner! Great comic again.
April 13, 2011 3:12 AM


Friday, April 15, 2011

Me and the midget- pg 7 (reimagined)

I’ve been leafing through my older posts and I think even my greatest supporters would admit those original posts haven’t aged well. So I’m going back to that original story and I’ll be periodically redoing those pages. It will serve as a drawing exercise and a way of (hopefully) improving me and the midget’s portfolio.

I’ll be posting this new version next to its earlier design at its original link.

Following that link will also help you figure out what happened before and after that page. If you do check it out PLEASE leave a comment and give some feedback. It would be cool to know people were checking out those old pages. A lot of people have been asking me about my creative process. Following that link and comparing the two pages will give you more insight then I can in my comment section.

Thanks guys. a3

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Me and the Midget- "under my Skin."

I’m REALLY sorry for the delay in updates lately guys. Since my last post me, and half my family became violently ill. The good news is all that time held up in bed gave me some time to brainstorm a few ideas. So please come back for more next time same midget time, same midget Blog. a3.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Postcards from Me and the Midget - Who's Next?

To all my new readers ‘Postcards from Me and the Midget’ is our chance to get interactive. I change my banner ever couple of weeks. Traditionally I use a dwarf tossing theme and I take requests from YOU the audience. What should I be throwing my midget at. We’ve had the little guy hurdling through space, tossed at a bed full of cash, even dunking on Chris Bosh. But their all by request. Just like the picture displayed over this post. It was suggested by Blog_Master_Flex in my comment section.

Blog_Master_Flex said...
Field goal. I once had a dream i kicked a midget through a field goal. Fulfill my dream, Sir.
February 27, 2011 5:06 PM

Here at Me and the Midget we make dreams come true. Let us make your dreams come true as well. I’m currently working on an old request. (It should be posted by the end of the day). After that it’s open for you. What do you guys think? Where should my midget be tossed? Leave a comment to give a suggestion.
Also check out Blog_Master_Flex’s work at
I can honestly say his Posts have been passed around my circle of friends.
Thanks for reading guys. Me and the midget will be back soon with a full comic.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Me and the Midget-scripted reality (part two)

The events in the following comic are based on actual events. The names and places have been changed to protect the identities of the parties involved.

And that was me and the Midgets brush with stardom. I originally thought this story would take three pages to tell. But I think Ive said all I need to say about this chapter in my life. Interesting side note, 22 year old Ryan Anderson from Vancouver would later go on to win this reality show. And on a personal note I never did figure out who Debbie Travis was. Thanks for reading guys, see you all next time.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Me and the Midget-scripted reality (part one)

The events in the following comic are based on actual events. The names and places have been changed to protect the identities of the parties involved.

I could fill a book with all the nonsense that happened that month. But I'll try to stick to the meat of the story. It should take about three pages to complete. Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter, same Midget time, same Midget blog. (Thanks for reading guys.) a3

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Post Cards From Me and the Midget- The best of intentions (LO SIENTO)

‘Postcards from Me and the Midget’ is your chance to provide a punch line to my next banner.

When a man calling himself The Criticizer gives you a complement you notice. When he then gives you a suggestion like he did in this comment he left in my comment section.

( The Criticizer said...
Now that I think about it can you draw me up a cool Regular Show banner?
March 5, 2011 9:00 PM

The Criticizer said...
Also, I kinda want it to be of the main characters bro-fisting.
March 5, 2011 9:09 PM)

You give it your best shot. And if you’re me you fail miserably. Apparently 'Regular Show' is an animated show that airs in the States. The picture posted here is my failed attempt. I guess I didn’t know exactly what Regular Show meant. I’m taking another stab at this one buddy. I’m not sure I can do the Bro fisting thing again. But I’ve got some ideas. To anyone interested The Critizer has since changed his name to The beta Critic You can check out his blog here.

The last times I posted someones link like this she got 2 or 3 extra followers. Me and The Midget are the regular Oprah. So comment and leave a suggestion. I’ll take a stab at it. Plus I’ll post your link as a way of saying thanks. Also I’d love to see fan art. If you think you got the chops you could really make my day with a quick sketch. I could offer up an art trade as an incentive.

Me and the Midget will be back next time with a full comic. Thanks for checking out this post. A3

Monday, March 21, 2011

Me and the Midget- Never say Midget

In Hindsight I should have named this one Never say Beiber. But once you hit save Theirs no turning back.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Me and the Midget - Happy St. Patrick's Day

Posts will be delayed for the rest of the week due to hang over.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Me and the Midget - Girl talk.

Women be talking. Am I right? Am I right? (tap tap) Is this thing on?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Post Cards From Me and the Midget - This ones for you.

Chris Bosh's stay with the Toronto Raptors is over, and Abria Young is pissed off as hell. Or at least she was. Two weeks ago after a long night of drinking she said Me and the Midget should make a statement about this outrage. I took this suggestion as an opportunity to switch up my banner. I figured having The Midget dunking on him would be an appropriate way of expressing disgust.
On Saturday night (after another long night of drinking.) I told her I fulfilled her request..... She had no idea what I was talking about.

Anyway Abria, this ones for you. You guys gotta check out her blog The updates are a little slow but there always worth the wait. Her appreciation of the irreverent is unmatched.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Me and the Midget- Hard times


Blog_Master_Flex If your reading this I promise I will "Fulfill your dream", of a Field Goal Banner. But I wanted to break up the sports theme that has been hovering my blog as of late. So I took a suggestion from The Criticizer who asked for, "cool Regular Show banner" but more on that later.
Ive had a little writers block lately and I think it shows. But an interesting thing happened to me when I tried to cash in a gift certificate last week and I think there's a comic in it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Me and the Midget- News of the day.

100 Followers and Counting!!!!

After a little over a year of posting my link everywhere. I finally found 100 people willing to commit an avatar to Me and The Midget. Thank you so much to everyone following. And double Thanks to anyone who shared this link with their friends.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Post Cards from Me and the Midget - Wish you were here.

I'm always looking for suggestions for my Dwarf Tossing banner. that's where we can bring back the dignity to dwarf tossing. What I want from you is a suggestion. What would be the greatest thing to be picked up and thrown into?
The bed full of money theme comes from aread. Who suggested it on November 1, 2010. The lovely ladies was ALLLL MINE. But there's proof that if suggested I'll draw it.... It might take a couple months but it'll get down. Thanks for the suggestion Genevieve.

I'm trying my hand at some new animation. It's a mixed bag of results right now but as I recall that's a part of the process. But hold your britches folks. The Midget finally beaks his Silence when "THE MIDGET SPEAKS."

P.S. Happy Birthday MOM!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Me and the Midget - Super bowl Review.

The super bowl reference is a week late to be relevant, and the Geico gecko referance is about five years late but it feels topical. And it's as close as relevant as Me and the Midget will ever be.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Me and the Midget-Walk Cycle

More pencil test animation from my first year of animation school. Click the Label Schmuck Face to check out lots more of this character.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Me and the midget-What happens in Vegas Stays on Facebook.

Woah! This one almost killed me. Remember a time when what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas? Takes me back to my childhood.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Post Cards from me and the midget - It's a new year.

The Christmas decorations are down. That kind of killed me, although I'm not a home owner I always imagined I'd be one of the guys who left his decorations
up all year. I though it might be funny to keep this one up all year because this might be the closest thing I'll ever know to owning a house. I'm working on a new header now a suggestion to have the Midget flying on to a bed of money I got from A. Read. (my sister) But as is tradition I want to fill it with some fly honeys. So right now I'm struggling like crazy to draw pretty girls. I'll post it as soon as I'm finished.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Me and the Midget-Time Marches On.

I found a story board from my second year of animation school and I figured It would be an easy comic strip to make. It's a bit of a departure from the usual characters. But it was nice to work with color for a change.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Me and the midget-Birthday wishes.

This month Me and the Midget celebrate our first year of blogging. And the 3rd of January was my actual date of birth. I spent it working for your amusement. I've got some sweet ideas lined up for the this year guys. I'm working on a few new characters. And I hope to get back to a long format story. (I promise I'll dole out more than a page a month on that one.)

anyway friends and followers join Me and the Midget next week for Terry the slug the first of many new characters you'll be meeting this year.