Monday, October 24, 2011

Me and the midget- pg 9 (reimagined)

I’m going back to the original story and I’ll be periodically redoing those pages. This is one of those pages. So don't worry if you can't make sense out of it. I'll be posting it next to its original counterpart here

I realize my posts have been a little lack luster as of late but I think I have a couple fun things lined up fot the next couple months so stay tuned... and PLEASE tell your friends.

Thanks for checking in guys. a3


  1. Thanks for checking out my comment section everybody.!/meandthemidget

    add me up for updates on daily life with the midget.


  2. I love this man. You're a real talent with this stuff. It's understandable to not be blogging all the time although I miss your posts when they're not coming in regularly. Just do the best you can, you know?

  3. Show us what you got planned. :)

  4. lol whoa havent been here in a while, whats with all this colour :D. also larger portions are key, just be like "i do it for my people" that'll show the man

  5. Nice one! Had to go back for context, but your blog is awesome!

  6. Cool. I want to do my own style of comic too, but more anime styled. I'll come back and get to reading your story line.

  7. I'm going to have to go back and start from the beginning but that's good that this made me want to check it out from the start. :D

  8. lol so nice, just discoreved you, +f

    keep it up

  9. Haha, I love that :') Would love it if you checked my blog as well :) Just made it so there's only an short introduction there

  10. Hand in your badge and AK-47! You're on probation!

  11. goofy comic, i enjoyed it. looking forward to the next couple of months.

  12. pretty cool stuff im looking forward to more
