Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Post Cards From Me and the Midget- The best of intentions (LO SIENTO)

‘Postcards from Me and the Midget’ is your chance to provide a punch line to my next banner.

When a man calling himself The Criticizer gives you a complement you notice. When he then gives you a suggestion like he did in this comment he left in my comment section.

( The Criticizer said...
Now that I think about it can you draw me up a cool Regular Show banner?
March 5, 2011 9:00 PM

The Criticizer said...
Also, I kinda want it to be of the main characters bro-fisting.
March 5, 2011 9:09 PM)

You give it your best shot. And if you’re me you fail miserably. Apparently 'Regular Show' is an animated show that airs in the States. The picture posted here is my failed attempt. I guess I didn’t know exactly what Regular Show meant. I’m taking another stab at this one buddy. I’m not sure I can do the Bro fisting thing again. But I’ve got some ideas. To anyone interested The Critizer has since changed his name to The beta Critic You can check out his blog here.

The last times I posted someones link like this she got 2 or 3 extra followers. Me and The Midget are the regular Oprah. So comment and leave a suggestion. I’ll take a stab at it. Plus I’ll post your link as a way of saying thanks. Also I’d love to see fan art. If you think you got the chops you could really make my day with a quick sketch. I could offer up an art trade as an incentive.

Me and the Midget will be back next time with a full comic. Thanks for checking out this post. A3


  1. Haha, looking forward to the next comic!

  2. is ther actually u and a midget or just u and skitzo mind?

  3. WHAT ARE YOU SMOKIN?! That is fucking HILARIOUS!

  4. I have nothing to suggest :( I fail at slogans...

  5. Hehe really nice comic man! Keep it up :D Enjoy'ed reading it!

  6. Slogan: Dude, pound it...
    He says this as the ultimate compliment. Whenever someone says something that The Criticizer thinks is amazing...he holds out his fist for a bro-fist and says..."Dude, pound it..."

  7. I don't think I quite got my idea across to you guys. I'm not looking so much for a slogan as much as I am sketch ideas. Ya' know like the midget riding a dog like it's a little pony.

  8. Thanks for the shout out buddy. In terms of the midget doing cool stuff he can maybe have a midget life partner? Or maybe they can be incompatible and hate each other.

  9. not familiar with that show, but i'm looking forward to what you come up with. sorry, not very creative with any ideas at the moment.

  10. can't describe how I love this blog and well I'm not very creative too :<

  11. Waiting eagerly for the next comic! :#

  12. Thanks for the kind words guys. Dont worry if you don't want to provide any creative input. A kind word is always appreciated. a3

  13. you got some pretty cool comics man keep it up

  14. Excellent post! Can't wait for the next one!

  15. Nice comics friend :) For the slogan - i'm not pretty much of a creative guy - always had a 2 (it's D) in my mother tongue class.

  16. Good shit, my punch line is: Nothing. Sorry, followed though!

  17. Lmao get post cards! Check out my new blog, if you haven't already!

  18. You did not fail, it's awesome, lets see that comic

  19. No problem I always like your posts!

  20. dang i wish i could make comics like this, i jelly :D

  21. Haha nice attempt, still looks fine though

  22. nice blog post mate, really liked it! good work and thankyou! :D

  23. i crapped myself laughing at the top graphic. period. followed

  24. Great post! Was a really good read! thanks for sharing!

  25. Nice job, really liked it, can't wait for the comic

  26. Enjoyed the post, no ideas right now. Following, though.

  27. Also, when you do my picture I will set it to be my new banner.

  28. lol these are pretty good
    waiting for the next one thanks

  29. Haha, great work. I love all of your comics.

  30. i love comics, use to draw them in 3rd grade.
