Monday, April 25, 2011

She and the Midget - Fan Art by duffboi

Ive posted "fan art" in the past. But those were all done by close friends of mine. This is the first time someone Ive never met has taken the effort to sketch my midget and I love it. Thanks duffboi.
You guys should check out his blog. It's like reading the thoughts of an everyday joe who's just trying to make his way through the world. Very Interesting stuff. He's also been posting original art work lately. check it out.
Me and the Midget will be back next time with a full comic. Thanks for checking in guys. And thanks again duffboi.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Post Cards From Me and The Midget. April 20th 2011, extravaganza.

I don’t know much about how time zones work, but I know this… It’s 4:20 somewhere.

Comic readers of a certain vintage remember a time when comic companies weren’t so desperate for ad space that they dedicated an entire page of every comic with a letters column. That’s what ‘Postcards from Me and The Midget’ is. It’s a way for us to get interactive. Like the image displayed over this post. It’s a request from a fellow blogger by the name of beta Critic. You can check out his stuff with this link,
I’m not going to get into too much detail of the back story on this one. But if your wondering go back two ‘Postcards’ to get the full story. Let’s just say its been a long time coming.
Thanks for checking out Me and the Midget and check back all day for more updates to this post. Because today Me and The Midget are celebrating the 4,20,2011 extravaganza.
Come back in a couple hours for the announcement of the winner of the ‘Under My Skin’ Hay fight awards as decided by YOU the reader.


I love reading the comments you guys leave. like these two left under the post titled. 'Under My Skin'.

NeedlessToSay said...

The tick is the winner.
April 12, 2011 6:12 PM

Trolske said...

I'm for the tick winner! Great comic again.
April 13, 2011 3:12 AM


Friday, April 15, 2011

Me and the midget- pg 7 (reimagined)

I’ve been leafing through my older posts and I think even my greatest supporters would admit those original posts haven’t aged well. So I’m going back to that original story and I’ll be periodically redoing those pages. It will serve as a drawing exercise and a way of (hopefully) improving me and the midget’s portfolio.

I’ll be posting this new version next to its earlier design at its original link.

Following that link will also help you figure out what happened before and after that page. If you do check it out PLEASE leave a comment and give some feedback. It would be cool to know people were checking out those old pages. A lot of people have been asking me about my creative process. Following that link and comparing the two pages will give you more insight then I can in my comment section.

Thanks guys. a3

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Me and the Midget- "under my Skin."

I’m REALLY sorry for the delay in updates lately guys. Since my last post me, and half my family became violently ill. The good news is all that time held up in bed gave me some time to brainstorm a few ideas. So please come back for more next time same midget time, same midget Blog. a3.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Postcards from Me and the Midget - Who's Next?

To all my new readers ‘Postcards from Me and the Midget’ is our chance to get interactive. I change my banner ever couple of weeks. Traditionally I use a dwarf tossing theme and I take requests from YOU the audience. What should I be throwing my midget at. We’ve had the little guy hurdling through space, tossed at a bed full of cash, even dunking on Chris Bosh. But their all by request. Just like the picture displayed over this post. It was suggested by Blog_Master_Flex in my comment section.

Blog_Master_Flex said...
Field goal. I once had a dream i kicked a midget through a field goal. Fulfill my dream, Sir.
February 27, 2011 5:06 PM

Here at Me and the Midget we make dreams come true. Let us make your dreams come true as well. I’m currently working on an old request. (It should be posted by the end of the day). After that it’s open for you. What do you guys think? Where should my midget be tossed? Leave a comment to give a suggestion.
Also check out Blog_Master_Flex’s work at
I can honestly say his Posts have been passed around my circle of friends.
Thanks for reading guys. Me and the midget will be back soon with a full comic.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Me and the Midget-scripted reality (part two)

The events in the following comic are based on actual events. The names and places have been changed to protect the identities of the parties involved.

And that was me and the Midgets brush with stardom. I originally thought this story would take three pages to tell. But I think Ive said all I need to say about this chapter in my life. Interesting side note, 22 year old Ryan Anderson from Vancouver would later go on to win this reality show. And on a personal note I never did figure out who Debbie Travis was. Thanks for reading guys, see you all next time.
